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Native American Axe, Missouri

Scottish Celt


Pineapple Axe, New Guinea.

Langdale Celt




Strontium Barite




Roman Lamp Zeus seducing Leda as a swan

Triceratops tooth, Montana


Roman Lamp with Locust




Collection of Arrowheads, Egypt, Greece and Luristan.





Asteroceras stellari, Scunthorpe.



Eleganticeras, Sandsend, North Yorks

Mesosaurus brazilliensis, Brazil.




Crocodile Jaw, Metriorhincus, Peterborough, Cambs.

Mammoth tooth, Ashton Keynes, Wilts.




Juvenile Ichthyosaur paddle, Lyme Regis, Dorset

Arrow head, Roman


Palaeoniscum, Permian Fish, Durham.

Arrow head, Roman



Bronze age Palstave axe

Bronze age short sword, Luristan



Bronze age double looped palstave

Bronze age short sword, Luristan.



Bronze age socketed axe , Luristan.


Phacops, Devonian, Morocco.


Bronze age socketed axe, Essex

Spirifer, Devonian Brachiopod.



Bacculites, Cretaceous, Pierre Shales, USA

Cleoniceras, Cretaceous, Madagascar

Notidanodon, fossil shark tooth, London Clay.



Albertosaurus tooth


Mioplosus, Green River Formation, Wyoming

Priscacara, Green River formation, Wyoming

British Boat Axe

Polynesian axe


Native American tool, Michigan

Indian Polished Axe

Pliosaur vertebra, Dorset





Triceratops horridus tooth, Montana